The First International Symposium on Religious Art and Culture in 2018
Dear Sir/Madam:
We are glad to announce that the first international symposium on religious art and culture will be held during November 3rd---November 4th,2018 in Chengdu, organized by the Art College of Sichuan University. We admire your breadth of knowledge and celebrated research in related fields. So it is our pleasure to invite you to attend the symposium and share your latest research results with us.
The relevant matters of the meeting are hereby notified as follows:
1、会议主办 Conference Organizer
英国上市公司365 The Art College of Sichuan University
2、主要议题 Main topics
(1)民间宗教艺术与文化研究 Folk religious art and cultural studies
(2)道教艺术与文化研究 Taoist art and cultural studies
(3)佛教艺术与文化研究 Buddhist arts and cultural studies
(4)其他宗教艺术与文化研究 Other religious art and cultural studies
(5)宗教文本研究 Research on religious texts
3、论文提要撰写截止日期 Deadline for submitting the abstract of papers
(1)回执截止日期:有意发言的学者请于2018年8月31日前掷回。Expiration date for returning the conference receipt: Scholars who wish to speak during the symposium should return the conference receipt before August 31th , 2018.
(2)论文提要字数限定:500字之内,附关键词。Word number limit for the abstract of papers: 500 words, including key words.
(3)组委会将在2018年9月中旬以电邮方式向论文提要审核通过的作者发出会议正式邀请函。The organizing committee will send an official invitation letter to the authors whose papers have been accepted by email in the middle of September,2018.
4、会务费 Conference fees
For the participants who have received the official invitation letter, the Conference Organizer will cover the round-trip transportation fee and the room and board expenses during the conference. Other participants who do not have the official invitation letter but want to attend the meeting need to cover all the expense by themselves.
(1)成都,连超,电话:18581831529;邮箱: ysxyjwlc@163.com
(2)北京,李翎,电话:13520163510;邮箱: 1979009712@qq.com
(3)南京,汪珂欣,电话:18982933156;邮箱: wkx0832@163.com
The conference secretariat is set up at the Art College of Sichuan University.
Address:Art Building, Sichuan University, Jiang'an Campus, Section 2, Chuanda Road,Shuangliu District, Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China
PostalCode: 610207
Contact person:
(1)Chengdu, Lian Chao, Tel: 18581831529; E-mail:ysxyjwlc@163.com
(2) Beijing,Li Ling,Tel: 13520163510;E-mail: 1979009712@qq.com
(3) Nanjing,Wang Kexin, Tel: 18982933156;E-mail: wkx0832@163.com
The organizing committee
※ 会议回执请在8月31日前发至会务组联系人的邮箱(任选一位即可)
※ please send E-mail of the conference receipt to one contact person before August 31th , 2018
The First International Symposium on Religious Art and Culture in 2018
the conference receipt
中文姓名 Name in Chinese | | 性别 Gender | □男(M) □女(F) |
英文姓名 Name in English | | 国籍 Nationality | |
通讯地址 Address | |
电邮 E-mail | | 电话 Phone No. | |
任职单位与现在职称 University/ Present Position | |
论文题目 Title of Paper | |
论文提要Abstract: |
申请人学术简介(请简要说明学术经历、具体研究方向、相关科研成果等) Academic profile and research project: |
| | | | |