法国著名精神分析学家、艺术心理学家Jean-Christian Delay 博士于07年3月8日自3月13日对公司进行学术访问并讲学。
3月10日 (周六)上午,晚上(下午休息)
Jean-Christian Delay M.D.,
Various activities through the years:
— Articles, translations and reviews, published in Danish, French, German and English. Latest publication, a book in Danish (editor and author): en Fandens bestilling – kan vi slippe for det ubevidste? (A Difficult Task – Can We Do Away With the Unconscious?). Publisher: Bogforlaget Frydenlund, 2006 (Copenhagen, Denmark).
— Teaching seminars at Psykoanalytisk Kreds – a psychoanalytic association, founding member of Inter-Associatif Européen de Psychanalyse, along with twenty other—mostly European—associations.
— Lectures, teaching and seminars at various institutions: The Festival of the Humanities at the University of Copenhagen (Denmark), The Royal Academy of Fine Arts (Denmark), the Psychoanalytic Faculty at the University of Sichuan (China), the Department of Clinical Psychoanalysis at the University of Paris VII (France), The Freud-Lacan Society (Berlin, Germany), Fjorden (major psychiatric hospital in Denmark), the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Würzburg (Germany), the Society of Freudian Psychoanalysis in Grenoble (France), Invenció Psicoanalítica (Barcelona, Spain), The Institute of Psychotherapy (Gothenburg, Sweden), The Belgian School of Psychoanalysis (Bruxelles, Belgium), The Psychoanalytic Seminars of Paris (France), The Lacanian Study Group (Seattle, Washington, USA), The Semiotic Faculty at the University of Århus (Denmark), the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Copenhagen (Denmark), The Social-Pedagogical Seminars of Copenhagen (Denmark), various high schools, primary schools, as well as interviews on radio and television.
Psychoanalytic practice since 1979.
2007 – Lecture on the implications for the human subject of the ubiquity of technology in modern society.
2006 – Publication of en Fandens bestilling (see above).
2005 – Teaching at The Royal Academy of Fine Arts. Festival of the Humanities at the University of Copenhagen.
2004 – Chinese-European I-AEP-seminar in psychoanalysis in Emeishan ( China).
2003 – Participation in the Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) congress The General States of Psychoanalysis.
1997 – Co-founder of the Inter-Associatif Européen de Psychana¬lyse (I-AEP).
1995-2000 – Psychoanalytic seminar for psychotherapists and psychologists in Gotheburg, Sweden.
1995 – Co-arranger of the first European, inter-associative colloquium in Copenhagen, Denmark: "Hysteria in Modernity."
1994-1998 – President of the Danish psychoanalytic association Psykoanalytisk Kreds.
1991-to the present – Teaching seminars at Psykoanalytisk Kreds.
1990 to now – member of Psykoanalytisk Kreds, and the Kreds' co-delegate to the coordination board of the I-AEP. Several times member of the executive committee.
1987-1990 – Participant in the SAFF-project (SAFF = Sammenslutning¬en af arbejds¬grupper indenfor det freudske felt. = Association of work groups within the Freudian field). Association founded to allow a deeper study of the Jacques Lacan's work.
1982-1990 – Member of Sammenslutningen psykose og psykoterapi , a Danish association devoted to the psychotherapeutic treatment and theory of psychotic states. Many seminars organized at major psychiatric centers in Denmark with many leading therapists in the field from around the world. Notably 8 years of seminars with psychoanalyst Donald Meltzer. Member of the executive committee.
1982-85 – Consultant for the Selskab for fremtidsforskning (Association for Research on the Future).